September 24, 2020

Cara Apply Master UiTM

Hi Assalammualaikum!

Before this, ada few of my friends yang cari i tanya how to apply master uitm since they are not from uitm, so i decide nak share kat sini lah. In case ada yang berniat nak sambung belajar, then just go on. Lantak lah orang nak cakap apa, it's our life. For me, i rasa bangga jgk lah dpt habiskan master like at least i ada satu achievement yang maybe org lain tak mampu nak buat. So, good luck guys! 


First thing first, korang tgk kt website ipsis uitm dulu apa course yg ditawarkan and kenal pasti dulu which one yg korang nak. Ipsis ni stand for Institute of Graduate Studies atau bahasanya Institut Pengajian Siswazah. It's for master and phd. Kat sini dia ada bgtahu mcm mana nak apply for new intake. Since I’m from Faculty of Art and Design, so i akan share more on this lah. But the details maybe on my next entry. I akan explain about my master and what it is all about. 


Bila dah tahu what course nak amik (or you can skip this step) tapi i sarankan you cari dulu, buat research course apa you nak and compare dgn uni lain. If betul2 nak sambung kat uitm, then proceed to next step: beli no pin bsn. Be careful bila nak beli sbb my friend pernah tersalah beli yg untuk ijazah punya. Ckp kat org bank tu nak beli NO PIN UITM MASTER / IJAZAH SARJANA bukan sarjana muda tau sbb tu degree and harga dia RM50. Kalau degree, rm10 je. Or nak selamat, korang boleh beli online from ipsis. Just buat payment to Bendahari Uitm and then email dorang. This one for malay and bumiputera only. Boleh get the info here. Check fees kat sini pun boleh.

Later, you follow je step yang dorang tulis kt website tu then settle! I tak sure how long the process will take tapi tak lama lah. Sbb lepastu kena pergi interview dulu. Oh btw nanti dia akan mintak referee reports so better cari lecturers yg baik dgn you and lecturers yg ada title like dr, proffesor so nanti nampak stand out sikit (sbb masa iv, dorang tgk referee report i and amaze bila one of the referees is a dr). But any lectures are okay. My advise, you email dulu lecturer tu tanya boleh tak jadi referee you and email them the report so dorang boleh go through. Jangan muncul suddenly then minta lecturer isi on spot. Mcm tak proper lah even rapat mcm mana pun but still, have some manner. I dulu email the report and they isi online (pdf converter) and then print. I tak sempat nak baca pun apa dorang tulis haha sbb time tu rushing nak pergi submit.

No worries, kalau dah apply tu confirm dapat lah. My friend submit satu referee report je sbb dia salah baca or miss communication mcm tu and gaduh jap dgn akk office tu hahaha but in the end, dpt je masuk. So jgn risau. Just follow the steps and in sha Allah okay je semua. Make sure korang lengkap kan everything and jgn ada miss anything tau! 

p/s: Sorry banyak komen yang tak sempat nak reply. Anything, just dm me on instagram: akmalsempurna


Suri said...

Hi dik.... Actually akk baru nak try apply master di UiTM tapi akk kurang jelas dengan referee form tu. Perlu dapatkan academic referee ye ? Then perlu ada 2 referee ke dik?

Ana Farhana said...

@suri hi kak! referee form tu akk boleh amik ex lecturer akk atau supervisor / boss tmpt akk kerja. Haah kak, kena ada 2 orang.

Anonymous said...

hi nk tnya semua program perlu kpd interview ke ? like kalau nak ambil master in arabic language and information technology, so perlu jugak ke interview ? mohon reply sis thanks

zuleika said...

hai, you ada instagram tak? nak tanya beberapa soalan pasal master uitm. nanti email saya
terima kasih!